I like the high energy vibes and great melody.
Good job, bro.
I like the high energy vibes and great melody.
Good job, bro.
It would not work well as a loop but it's harmony is in record tie-in with the melody.
Wow man!
I don't normally enjoy quiet music but this here has enough synth samples to be entertaining.
It does a great job of relaxing me.
Kind've quiet but the beat is killer.
Hey, not bad!
I see enough of Jumper's beat to be a consistent sequel but not overly so to the point of duplication.
Your works impress me a lot and I'm happy your back in the game again!
Personally I don't think this is too bad, but definitely not your best.
This, I'll admit, was pretty good for early on in your career though.
The beats repetitiveness was what actually made it sound good, I don't know why people hate that aspect of it...
The lyrics are kinda like throwing a fortune cookie through a word processor but those beats are so fresh they barely germinated.
This song started with a slanted slow beat but got so different that taking parts of the song you would easily figure they were at different times.
Ok now this was pure awesomeness!
Your intro set the mood for an insane race through a flashy universe and a sick speedster.
Rejuvinated artist that focuses on the cartoony and facial aspects of art that the world apparently needs more of ;).
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Sunny and Rainy Zone
Joined on 9/3/18