Looks like this particular OC is drawing quite a bit of attention to herself.
Looks like this particular OC is drawing quite a bit of attention to herself.
I thought she was made of sand...
Nah. weird yellow slime
Oh man that pun!
Ummmm, waiter, extra cheese!
She's B Team? What's A Team then?
She looks very confused in the first panel. Is she trying to mimic a dog's curious expression?
You've rolled your last charch, partner.
Very smooth overall. I wish to one day have this power.
I really like this style, specifically how you bring out the detail of the outlines by doing many small lines.
Wow, intricate angles!
Rejuvinated artist that focuses on the cartoony and facial aspects of art that the world apparently needs more of ;).
Banner by Exit
Sunny and Rainy Zone
Joined on 9/3/18